Early Reading Game (English)

Photo credit: https://www.teachyourmonstertoread.com

This is a FUN way for students to learn how to read! Teachyourmonstertoread.com is design for children ages 3-8, primarily, but it can be used at any age for anyone who needs to learn English. For example, I have used it in a middle school setting for those who are learning English as a second language, and I have used it with my own daughter who struggled learning language in 1st and 2nd grade.

This is focused on English from the U.K., so there are references to things like “chips” which have a picture referenced, which would be considered “fries” in the United States. This is also a game that is helpful to have an adult, or older child, on hand to guide early readers through it. This is important for times when children have troubles with pronunciation when reading directions. It is very intuitive throughout though. The one game that is the trickiest is probably the one where the avatar has to jump up to run into the flower to hear the sound that the player will need to know later.

Overall, I give this award winning game my highest recommendation! My daughter also recommends it highly.







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